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Transport aéromédical: Acide tranexamique en traumatologie
Alerte Stat

Le sujet de cette capsule porte sur la comparaison de différentes doses d’acide tranexamique en cas de traumatisme majeur et la possibilité d’ajuster ces doses en fonction du transport inter-hospitalier.

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Ce cours a été conçu par Valérie Bilodeau et Éric Contant et révisé par Pierre Baril le vendredi 8 mars 2024.

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Tranexamic Acid During Prehospital Transport in Patients at Risk for Hemorrhage After Injury: A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial.
Guyette FX,Brown JB,Zenati MS,Early-Young BJ,Adams PW,Eastridge BJ,Nirula R,Vercruysse GA,O'Keeffe T,Joseph B,Alarcon LH,Callaway CW,Zuckerbraun BS,Neal MD,Forsythe RM,Rosengart MR,Billiar TR,Yealy DM,Peitzman AB,Sperry JL,STAAMP Study Group, JAMA surgery 2020 Oct 5 156(1) 11-20
Effect of Out-of-Hospital Tranexamic Acid vs Placebo on 6-Month Functional Neurologic Outcomes in Patients With Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Rowell SE,Meier EN,McKnight B,Kannas D,May S,Sheehan K,Bulger EM,Idris AH,Christenson J,Morrison LJ,Frascone RJ,Bosarge PL,Colella MR,Johannigman J,Cotton BA,Callum J,McMullan J,Dries DJ,Tibbs B,Richmond NJ,Weisfeldt ML,Tallon JM,Garrett JS,Zielinski MD,Aufderheide TP,Gandhi RR,Schlamp R,Robinson BRH,Jui J,Klein L,Rizoli S,Gamber M,Fleming M,Hwang J,Vincent LE,Williams C,Hendrickson A,Simonson R,Klotz P,Sopko G,Witham W,Ferrara M,Schreiber MA, JAMA 2020 Sep 8 324(10) 961-974
The Use of Tranexamic Acid in Tactical Combat Casualty Care: TCCC Proposed Change 20-02.
Drew B,Auten JD,Cap AP,Deaton TG,Donham B,Dorlac WC,DuBose JJ,Fisher AD,Ginn AJ,Hancock J,Holcomb JB,Knight J,Koerner AK,Littlejohn LF,Martin MJ,Morey JK,Morrison JJ,Schreiber MA,Spinella PC,Walrath B,Butler FK Jr, Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals 2020 Fall 20(3) 36-43


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